Attack On Titan is currently airing its fourth & final season of the series. The show is midway to its final showdown where it will finally wrap up the 11-year long story created by Hajime Isayama. But, before the release of the Attack On Titan Season 4 final episode, very bad news arrived for the fans.
Just in, the official Twitter account of Attack On Titan confirmed that there will be a change in the broadcasting date and time of the final episode of Season 4. In the recent tweet, it has stated that Attack On Titan Episode 87 will be broadcasted on April 3 instead of March 27. Check out the official confirmation.
The tweet mentioned that the final episode of Season 4 has been postponed due to some kind of special organization programming which will be broadcasted on the same day. The broadcasting time of Attack On Titan Episode 84 has also been shifted ahead by 10 minutes, however, it will be released on the scheduled date i.e. March 6.
Attack On Titan is written illustrated by Hajime Isayama and has sold over 100 million manga copies worldwide. The first three seasons of the anime television series was produced by WIT Studio while the fourth season is being animated by Studio MAPPA.
All seasons of Attack On Titan are available to stream on Crunchyroll & Funimation. The English dub of Attack On Titan Season 4 is also available on Funimation starting February 12th. More episodes will be added to the catalogue in the upcoming weeks.
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