One of the most popular manga series drawn by the hands of late Kentaro Miura, ‘Berserk’ is finally returning this summer as confirmed by the editing department of Hakusensha’s Young Animal magazine. The manga will resume with this year’s 13th issue of Young Animal on June 24th and will have the first six chapters that will mark the end of the “Fantasia Arc/Elf Island Chapter”.
On Tuesday, Young Animal – the comic book publisher that serialized Berserk – announced that the series will continue under the supervision of Kouki Mori, a close friend of Miura and manga artist in his own right. The manga will now have the following credits: “Original work by Kentarou Miura, manga by Studio Gaga, supervised by Kouji Mori.”
According to Mori, before Miura’s death, he discussed a lot about the series with him and is aware of how Miura intended to end the Berserk story. As a result, he is planning to bring the manga to its natural conclusion alongside many of Miura’s assistants. The official announcement with comments from Young Animal’s editorial department and Mori is below:
“I think people with good intuitions would realize by now that I know the story for Berserk up to the very end,” explained Mori, in the statement. He also mentioned that Miura’s former assistants reached out to him, claiming they hoped to finish the final chapters left behind by the author. After reaching out to Young Animal, Mori got everyone’s support and approval to continue the story to its completion.
Mori added, “I have a message and promise to everyone. I will recall the details as much as possible and tell the story. Also, I will not write episodes that I don’t remember clearly. I will only write the lines and stories that Miura described to me. Of course, it will not be perfect. Still, I think I can almost tell the story that Miura wanted to tell.”
The publishing company Young Animal stated that it is the “best way” to bring the Berserk that Miura had envisioned to life. The current plan of the publishers is to complete the ongoing “Fantasia Arc/Elf Island Chapter” and then afterwards start a new arc. Most probably, that arc will bring Berserk to its conclusion. Berserk will resume on June 24, in an upcoming issue of Young Animal.
What’s your reaction to the return of Berserk this summer? Feel free to comment down your thoughts and tell us what your favorite Berserk moment is, also don’t forget to share this article with your fellow otaku friends.
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