Live-action adaptation of popular anime shows has become a norm in recent times. Netflix’s “One Piece” and “Avatar: The Last Airbender” have been widely accepted by fans for their faithfulness to the source material. But, things weren’t the same in the early days, and “Dragon Ball Evolution” is a living example of it.
Released in 2009, the film attempted to adapt the story of Son Goku and the Z-Fighters. Everyone had high expectations from it, but the producers of the Dragon Ball movie radically changed several of the elements of Akira Toriyama’s original story, making it a disastrous live-action adaptation.
The creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama was very disappointed with the film which ended with him creating “Dragon Ball Super” as a direct response to it. Following his unfortunate death recently, the Dragon Ball live-action star came out to pay tribute to the legendary manga artist while also apologizing for the terrible film.
Justin Chatwin, the live-action actor of Son Goku, took to his official Instagram account to honor Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama on his sudden demise. In a heartfelt note to the legendary mangaka, the actor wrote, “Rest in peace brother. Sorry we messed up that adaptation so badly”.
Chatwin felt compelled to apologize for his role in Dragonball Evolution. However, his apology for the live-action film is not the first to be made. Back in 2016, screenwriter Ben Ramsey described the “gut-wrenching” feeling of being responsible for the film, taking full responsibility for the criticism expressed by the fans.
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