The story of Attack On Titan is at its peak as the series is heading progressively towards its final showdown. After a long time, manga readers & anime only’s will get to witness the “Rumbling” by their own eyes. However, before the end nears something very interesting came into the limelight.
In the recent episodes of the ongoing fourth season of Attack on Titan Season, the anime revealed about the origin of Titans and the subjects of Ymir. The show finally reached the point where Eren Yeager successfully inherited the powers of the Founding Titan from Ymir.
However, during a scene, the anime displayed an unknown creature that merged with Ymir, providing her with the powers of Founding Titan. This seems quite normal from an anime viewers perspective, but some fans linked its origin with a creature that existed millions of years ago.
According to a series of tweets and viral images on the internet, fans have claimed that the parasite shown in the recent episode of Attack On Titan Season 4 Part 2 looks exactly similar to an extinct species named “Hallucigenia”.
Scientific studies claim that Hallucigenia was one of the oldest creatures that existed around 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period. An English paleontologist named Simon Conway-Morris discovered the fossils of this extinct species in 1977.
The description for Hallucigenia states that it had around ten pairs of slender legs. When it was first discovered, the scientists entitled it with the name “Hallucigenia: The worm with the missing head”, however, later studies was able to find its missing head as well.
But, interestingly on comparing both the Founding Titan parasite and Hallucigenia’s model side by side, the resemblance between the two is crystal clear. They look exactly similar which somehow, proves the fan theory that the Founding Titan parasite is the fictional representation of Hallucigenia.
However, originally the identity of the parasite is unclear both in manga & anime counterparts. Hajime Isayama, the creator of the series, never mentioned anything about the parasite so, it’s hard to say whether it’s a real-life inspiration or just an imaginary thought that coincidentally happened to be true.
Still, some fans believe that it was a God who pitied Ymir and gave her the powers of Founding Titan, while others believe that the parasite was the source of all life on the planet. But, there isn’t any legit proof that confirms either of the theories. And, it’s no wonder that the Founding Titan is a mirror image of the extinct species, Hallucigenia.
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