Haikyuu!! is a very popular sports manga series by Haruichi Furudate which got adapted into an anime television series a long time ago. The fans are very well aware of its star-studded cast whether it is the main protagonist, Shoyo Hinata or Karasuno’s beautiful manager, Kiyoko. But, do you know that both these characters are actually couples in real life?
In reality, the Haikyuu!! stage actors of Shoyo Hinata & Kiyoko Shimizu are actually dating in real life. In the live stage play of Haikyuu!! Japanese actor Suga Kenta played the role of Hinata & Nagao Shizune acted as Kiyoko. Both are associated with the franchise since 2015.
Last year in December, both the actors were spotted together walking out in a road alley holding hands. Nagao-san was seen near the apartment of Suga in a black hat and loose white top. As reported by the photographers, they were just seen walking together in the neighborhood.
Notably, in April 2021, Suga bought an apartment as well and a common acquaintance of them told the news agency that they live together in the same apartment. However, when the reporters asked the respective agencies of both the stars, they denied such type of things.
The two costarred three times on the stage play of Haikyuu!! and are captured multiple times by the paparazzi. Although, they call it the “just friends” thing, but are dating for almost 4 years. The first time they came to know each other was in 2015 when they starred in their respective roles in Haikyuu!! stage play.
Suga made her debut as a child actor when he was just 5 years old. Apart from playing Shoyo Hinata in Haikyuu!! stage play, he has acted in various dramas and movies as well. Meanwhile, Nagao-san is active mainly on the stage and has delivered some wonderful roles in her career.
The first stage play of Haikyuu!! debuted in 2015 with Worry Kinoshita directing the play. Norihito Nakayashiki wrote the script of the stage play based on the manga Haikyu!! by Haruichi Furudate. Since its debut in 2015, the series has amassed over 320,000 viewers during its run, spanning over a total of ten stage plays.
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Source: Josei Seven