Keanu Reeves starrer action-thriller movie franchise “John Wick” continues to expand with a new anime adaptation that is announced to be in the works. As confirmed by the director himself, an official John Wick anime is on the horizon which will explore the action-packed world of the series without any restrictions on fight sequences and creativity.
Chad Stahelski, the director of the John Wick film franchise, stated in an upcoming podcast episode that he’s excited about the project, citing his love for Japanese media as a key motivation. “We’re really excited about it because we’re doing that because I love Japanese anime so much”, Stahelski said.
“So to create all the cool stories that anime could achieve better than we could, we’ll still get our fix, you know what I mean? And we’ll still have all the fun,” he further added. Stahelski thinks television is a good format to explore the verse of John Wick which is why he’s working on several projects at once.
While “John Wick: Chapter 4” might’ve seemed like the end for this franchise, the upcoming John Wick anime might be a dream come true for action enthusiasts. As of now, there aren’t any specifics on the anime, but it would be great to witness the endless possibilities that only an anime would be able to explore.
With the announcement of the John Wick anime, the series has now become a part of Western anime productions like “Suicide Squad” and “Castlevania”. As anime continues to make its mark in the entertainment industry, fans are delighted to observe the legendary hitman’s thrilling adventures in the anime format.
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