The long-time fans of Hirohiko Araki’s supernatural manga series, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, would be thrilled to hear that the much-anticipated story arc of the series titled “Steel Ball Run” is finally heading towards its small screen debut as it’s reportedly receiving an anime adaptation in coming days.
On X (formerly called Twitter), one of the chief animation directors at David Production spilled the beans regarding the anime adaptation of Steel Ball Run. Later on, the reliable leakers on the platform confirmed the news to be true, suggesting that the next part of the anime series is currently in production.
Yumenosuke Tokuda, the director of “JoJo Stone Ocean”, was the first to drop the hints that one of the biggest arcs of the franchise is ultimately receiving its own anime. In a now-deleted tweet, the director reposted an account with a woman riding a horse with a message, “So cool! Next JoJo required subjects. Please wait for further news, JoJo Fans.”
With a vast majority of Steel Ball Run taking place on horseback and now leaked information about the seventh installment of the anime, it’s clear that Steel Ball Run will soon hit the small screens. However, a follow-up from the officials is yet to arrive so fans have to wait patiently for further details.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run is the seventh story arc of the series. Set in an alternate universe in 1890, the President of the US, Funny Valentine, hosts a cross-country horse race with a $50 million reward. However, Valentine secretly plans to use the race to gather the scattered parts of a holy corpse for his own nationalistic ends.
Two racers, Gyro Zeppeli (a mysterious man with an equally mysterious steel ball) and Johnny Joestar (a former jockey whose cockiness got him paralyzed from the legs down) set their eyes on the grand prize as they try to uncover Valentine’s ploy while also defending themselves from other racers and hired assassins.
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