Jujutsu Kaisen Director Sunghoo Park Left Studio MAPPA

Studio MAPPA is always in the headlines because of a lot of stuff going around in the production house and another incident happened this afternoon. The popular Japanese director, Sunghoo Park, who worked on the anime television series and the movie version of Jujutsu Kaisen has finally left Studio MAPPA.

In March 2021, Sunghoo Park established a new animation studio named ‘E&H Production’. The company recently released the recruitment information which states that they’re looking for some amazing talent in the anime industry. As Park is the head of the company so he will move on to the new studio leaving behind his old one.

As of the company details, the staff members includes a total of 8 employees and are searching for new talent. The company wants to challenge original animation works and new production processes, not limited to traditional animation production and intends to shoot in the fields of game engines, VR, and real shooting.

Lately, Sunghoo Park was associated with Studio MAPPA for a very long time and he assisted in many of their great projects which includes Kakegurui, The God Of Highschool, Yuri!!! On Ice, Zombie Land Saga and Jujutsu Kaisen. However, he worked as a freelancer in the studio and was not a permanent employee.

Now, Sunghoo Park has left the animation studio of MAPPA fans have gone into panic mode considering the future of the Jujutsu Kaisen franchise as Park directed both the TV and movie version of the series. However, as of now, no confirmation has been made by MAPPA itself.

Still, the fact that stands true is that Sunghoo Park will move on to his new animation studio and will assist the new staff there. Whether he will work as the director of Jujutsu Kaisen or not hasn’t been confirmed yet but, fans hope that Park will return for the second season of the series as well.

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Source: Weibo

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