‘Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation’ is a light novel series written by Rifujin na Magonote. In January 2021, it got adapted into an anime television series by Studio Bind and successfully wrapped up its first part consisting of 11 episodes.
Today, on the official website of Mushoku Tensei anime, it was revealed that the new cour or 2nd cour of this series will start airing on October 3, 2021. Moreover, the site also released a new key visual of the sequel.
The 2nd cour is listed for 12 episodes, as confirmed by the officials, and will premiere on 12:00 AM JST (i.e. Oct 4) in Japan on various TV networks like Tokyo MX, KBS Kyoto and BS11.
Mushoku Tensei is a story about a 34-year-old jobless guy who dies in a road accident in an attempt of saving someone. Later on, he finds himself being reincarnated in a new world, as a baby, where he goes by the name of Rudeus Greyrat.
Now, he starts his new life again in this exciting magical world and explores the fundamentals of magic to help him in his adventurous journey.
The first half of the series was a huge success but it halted for a few months due to some reasons. Now it is back again and fans are hyped for the 2nd cour of Mushoku Tensei.
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