When it first premiered, Ninja Kamui made quite a stir among internet enthusiasts due to its thrilling and fast-paced hand-drawn action scenes. However, as the series progressed, it transitioned to 3D mecha battles, which was more of a miss than a hit. Thankfully, the production has addressed their mistake and now has returned to the original concept that initially made the show famous.
Adult Swim recently released a promotional video for Ninja Kamui Episode 11 which is set to be released on April 20th. From the first look of the upcoming episode, it appears that viewers will finally be treated to some authentic ninja fights as the epic showdown between Higan and Zai comes to a close in the next episode.
Criticism of the CGI-drawn mecha robots was first raised when the series introduced the Gusoku Gears, which were primarily used by AUZA-affiliated ninjas. Eventually, Higan also got his hands on one of these advanced suits, resulting in a significant increase in 3D action compared to the first half of the anime.
With Ninja Kamui, the implementation of CGI battles has simply struggled to be as cool as 2D action sequences, as was noted in the last episode. Even though the staff at E&H Production has put great efforts into balancing the transition change, the audience is still hooked to the hand-drawn action.
At this point, it would be wise to say that no matter the strides made in CGI development, there will always be an uphill battle with convincing audiences to give it a chance. Nonetheless, Ninja Kamui has tackled this issue and it would be interesting to see how the story will conclude as the series approaches its finale.
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