“Hentai” is a very well-known word among anime fans. Not just the anime community, but other people around the world are also aware of this specific term. The word is basically a common slang for pornographic content based on a style of animation that originated in Japan.
Or, to be precise, you can call it ‘animation porn’ in short. This genre of pornography is very popular among the audience and people are crazy about such type of stuff. But, do you know how it’s affecting human behavior and to what extent? And what’s the difference between hentai watchers and non-hentai watchers?
According to a recent study conducted by psychologist Jonathan I. Park & his team, people who consume hentai appear to differ on several characteristics from those who consume other types of pornography. The research data was published in the journal Sexologies.
The study was based on survey responses from 208 participants who were 21 years old on average. Approximately 29% had consumed hentai in the past year, 38% consumed non-hentai pornography, and 33% had not consumed any kind of pornographic content in the past year.
Based on the study, it was found that the hentai consumers rated images of anime characters as more attractive than non-hentai and non-porn consumers. Moreover, hentai consumers reported a greater desire to be in a romantic relationship with an anime character as compared to the other two groups.
However, the hentai watchers rated images of real people as normal as the non-hentai & non-porn consumers and also, their desire to be in a romantic relationship with a real person was similar to the other groups.
“The scores on attractiveness and romantic desire towards real humans did not significantly differ across all three pornography consumer types. Thus, developing stronger attraction and romantic desire towards anime characters may be unique to hentai but not human pornography,” the researchers said.
In an interview, Park put forward his views on this study differentiating the behavior between consumers of hentai pornography and human pornography. He said, “Every day, millions of people all around the world consume anime & hentai media and many of them now have their careers dictated by anime & hentai.”
“Despite all that, I don’t understand why researchers aren’t doing more research on how anime and hentai influence people’s behaviors and thoughts. Hopefully, more people will do research on hentai/anime, improve upon the study we did, and find some incredible things. This research field is a literal goldmine.” Park added.
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Source: Sciencedirect