Starting as a web novel, then becoming popular through its manhwa adaptation, and now being a groundbreaking anime television series, Solo Leveling has come a long way in its journey. The series has already established itself as one of the successful IPs and is now set to expand its reach with the release of a game.
“Solo Leveling: Arise”, the highly-anticipated upcoming action RPG game based on the original series, is going to be released in the second quarter and before its global launch, the developers of the game has unveiled an official teaser showing a side-by-side comparison of the official scenes from the game and manhwa.
On X (formerly Twitter), the makers released new cutscenes from the Solo Leveling: Arise game, revealing just how closely it will follow the original manhwa. The trailer shows a side-by-side contrast of the popular scene from the series where Sung Jinwoo enters the S-rank Demon’s Castle and faces off against Cerberus.
Recently, the anime adapted this scene flawlessly for which it received heavy praise from the long-time fans of the webtoon. The gameplay also looks promising and its full version is set to launch globally in April 2024, as confirmed by the creative head and game developers Netmarble.
Solo Leveling: Arise will allow the players to follow the story of Sung Jinwoo in becoming the world’s strongest hunter. Additionally, players would be able to use a range of battle styles, combine weapons, employ game-original skills, and even use techniques that have not yet been shown in the Solo Leveling anime, currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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