Solo leveling most disliked episode

Solo Leveling Sets Record With Most Disliked Episode on Crunchyroll

The top searched anime of the year, Solo Leveling has become a prominent figure in the anime world since its grandiose premiere. In no time, the series has garnered a massive following and is entertaining fans with its top-notch animation. But, the series recently hit a snag with its latest episode on Crunchyroll.

On February 24th, Solo Leveling released a recap episode titled “How to Get Stronger” in place of the much-awaited Episode 8. The episode received a significant amount of criticism and didn’t spark much attention among fans, leading it to become the most disliked episode on Crunchyroll.

As claimed by a Reddit user, Solo Leveling Episode 7.5 has now the highest number of dislikes on the streaming platform. So far, the recap episode of the anime series has garnered around 30k likes in comparison to its mammoth 63.6k dislikes, which is a record in Crunchyroll’s history.

This doesn’t come as a surprise because many anime fans of the series were already infuriated with the production’s decision to air a recap episode instead of continuing the main story. Hence, they expressed their disappointment by giving negative impressions following the episode release.

Previously, Solo Leveling managed to break the record held by Luffy’s Gear 5 debut for the most liked episode, but this recent development has put the anime in the unwanted records list. Solo Leveling anime not only holds the record for the biggest premiere on Crunchyroll, but it has now the most disliked episode to its name as well.

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Via: Reddit

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