Educational development in Japan has always been a top priority and their ministry never misses a chance to develop expressiveness and rich imagination among the students. In light of this objective, Japanese VR and metaverse developer AOMINEXT has introduced a new model where students can attend high school remotely using custom 3D anime avatars.
In a press release, the company behind this development revealed their plans to build a metaverse correspondence school system in collaboration with Japan’s Yushi International High School. The virtual high school will have a 3-year credit-based course with a curriculum recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
In addition, the students of Japan’s first metaverse high school will be provided with VR equipment free of charge, allowing them to attend the academy from anywhere in Japan or overseas. Interestingly, the attendees will also be able to freely customize their virtual 3D avatar to their liking.
Individual classes for students preparing for the Tokyo entrance exam will also be provided in the curriculum and anyone can learn programming from basics to university level. As such, students who graduate will receive legitimate diplomas equal to those of regular high school graduates.
To stimulate interaction among freshers, the school will organize e-sports tournaments and virtual school festivals as well. The idea of attending school without leaving the comfort of your home is certainly appealing and the school committee is currently looking for potential enrollees, and will also be accepting mid-year transfers.
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