Through its flawless animation and gripping narrative, the Shibuya Arc in Jujutsu Kaisen provided some of the most incredible moments in the anime series. One such thrilling battle was between “King of Curses” Sukuna and Mahoraga which recently received an uncut and extended version with its Blu-ray release.
On Wednesday, Jujutsu Kaisen “Shibuya Arc” Blu-ray Volumes 4 and 5 hit the retail market. After the Blu-ray release, the newly corrected and revised footage of the epic showdown between Sukuna and Mahoraga, which wasn’t included in the original TV broadcast and distribution, was leaked online.
Evidently, the final version of the Sukuna vs. Mahoraga battle scene has undergone significant improvements. The fight was a point of contention back when it was first released in November 2023 as part of Season 2, with reports suggesting that the animators at Studio MAPPA had insufficient time to complete the said episode.
One of the animators of the second season hyped the new revised version of Sukuna vs. Mahoraga by saying, “There are ‘additional cuts’, and I believe it surpasses what one might imagine”. This means fans can now witness the gripping fight between two giants with better sound and enhanced visuals.
The physical and digital copies of the Blu-ray Volume 4 and 5 of Shibuya Arc are on sale now. Additionally, to commemorate the release, Episodes 17 to 20 of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 will be screened in Japanese theaters for the one-week period starting from March 29.
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