After a long unending wait of 1 year, the Tower of God webtoon is finally coming back again this summer.
Tower of God fans were waiting for this news for a very long time and it ended this early morning when Webtoon confirmed on its official Twitter account that Tower of God will be returning in Summer 2021.
Here is the tweet:
Last year, the Tower of God webtoon went on hiatus after SIU admitted pain in his wrist due to overwork on this popular series.
After the doctors consultation, he was advised to take a break from his work as his wrist ligaments were damaged and inflamed as per reports.
In October 2020, SIU updated on his blog post that he will be back in mid-November with the new chapter of Tower of God but unfortunately it was delayed again due to his health reasons.

The good news for fans is that during this hiatus SIU completed at least 10 chapters and is moving forward at a very good pace.
Tower of God webtoon was updated last time on June 29, 2020, with chapter 485 as the latest addition in the ongoing series.
So, Tower of God fans; time to cheer up!! as your favourite webtoon is back again. For now, a date is not confirmed yet for Chapter 486 but it is for sure that you will get to see the Tower of God webtoon again this summer around July to September 2021.
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