Anime villain

10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

While traditionally, we root for valiant heroes to triumph over evil, there have been instances where charismatic villains have garnered unexpected support from fans. These anime villains often question our perceptions of right and wron g, prompting us to explore the gray areas of morality.

These moments challenge our perspectives and remind us of the complexity of storytelling in the vibrant world of anime. In this article, we’ll take a look at instances that serve as a reminder that even in the realm of fiction, we can secretly cheer for anime villains to emerge victorious. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

10. Kirei Kotomine – Fate

Kirei Kotomine - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Kirei Kotomine, the Master of Assassin, derived happiness from seeing other people suffer. However, it’s not his fault that he is the way he is because Kirei spent most of his life trying to pursue something he lacked from the start, battling against his anguish and blind devotion to not bring salvation.

He could not find greater pleasure than the pain of others and held a feeling of anger towards something unknown behind his reward of years. Despite being evil, Kirei still holds a moral compass that gives no end to the guilt he feels for being born this way.

9. Reiko Tamura – Parasyte

Reiko Tamura - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

A parasite living as a human and devouring human flesh is a type one will wish to obliterate from the face of Earth but Reiko Tamura gives a reason to let her live. Her prime goal other than keeping herself alive is to figure out the parasites’ purpose for existence.

She isn’t just a mindless eating machine, she’s a philosophical being who desires to perpetuate her species. Reiko still kills dozens of humans and is a major threat to Shuichi Izumi but in the end, she redeems herself by sacrificing herself to protect the human child she gave birth to.

8. Team Rocket – Pokémon

Team Rocket - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

“No matter how many times you fall, never give up” – Team Rocket stands true to this and is still trying to steal Pikachu even though it has already been over two decades. Jessie, James, and Meowth all work so hard that it’s irrational not to hope that their plans will bear fruit.

Being part of a criminal organization that profits off of other people’s Pokémon, they’re just trying to get paid enough to put food on the table. They rarely do anything truly evil and are shown to root for Ash and Pikachu’s win in whatever tournament they’re part of.

7. Ulquiorra Cifer – Bleach

Ulquiorra Cifer - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Espada was meant to be one of the greatest evil anime organizations under Aizen’s counsel but, not every member of the group was so interested in subjugating Hueco Mundo. Unlike most Espada’s, Ullquiorra Cifer is unique in the sense that he is always trying to understand what it means to have a heart.

Ulquiorra is a villain who barely shows any emotions and expresses disinterest in most things. But throughout the series, he asks rather philosophical and seemingly simple questions. It’s only in his last moments when Ulquiorra finally finds a purpose in life and feels love for another person.

6. Shogo Makishima – Psycho Pass

Shogo Makishima - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Shogo Makishima is a man full of passion who genuinely cared about the world he lives in. Though his methods were horrific, he was actually trying to liberate the society from the Sibyl System, as he believed that it is turning its citizens into non-thinking automatons.

To fulfill his longed desire to create a world where other people can make free choices, he turned into a criminally asymptomatic person while slitting throats, inciting riots, and trying to cut off his nation’s food supply. Shogo’s intention may look noble but he’s still the face of serial killers in anime.

5. Esdeath – Akame ga Kill

Esdeath - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Esdeath is a ruthless and sadistic killer who’s often hellbent on inflicting pain on people as much as possible. As a high-ranking general of the Empire, Esdeath takes her job very seriously and doesn’t allow any kind of mercy to her enemies.

But while it’s hard to forgive her more outlandish behavior, Esdeath’s kindness and generosity towards her love interest Tatsumi shows that despite her outward cruelty she’s actually capable of tender feelings. Knowing that makes it hard not to root for her.

4. Garou – One Punch Man

Garou - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Garou serves as the major antagonist in the second season of One-Punch Man and was quite an honorable and sympathetic anime villain. As an apparent social outcast, Garou felt a kindred connection to monsters and their constant death at the hands of heroes led him to hate the growing superhero population.

In fact, he trained in martial arts to live up to his promise of avenging all the monsters he watched die growing up. While his ideology seems flawed given that he has no problem with other people killing heroes, Garou has a strong sense of justice and morality, often protecting the rejects of society.

3. Stain – My Hero Academia

Stain - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

My Hero Academia’s hero society has its fair share of nurturing vigilantes. Stain is one of them known for his notorious crimes involving the killings of Pro Heroes. A hero-turned-villain Stain is a cruel, unforgiving, and merciless man with a sense of duty to cleanse society of false heroes.

Going against the corrupt and mendacious hero society, he took it upon himself to become the “Hero Killer: Stain” to stain his own hands with blood to purge fake heroes and eradicate the menace from society, eventually making it a better place to live.

2. Obito Uchiha – Naruto

Obito Uchiha - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Obito plunged the Hidden Leaf Village into chaos, killed Naruto’s parents on the day he was born, and started the Fourth Great Ninja War that resulted in countless innocent deaths. Despite all his unjustified actions, he’s still loved by the fans for his emotionally distressed past.

After a childhood rife with constant warfare, he was crushed under a giant boulder and soon after got brainwashed by Madara into thinking that the world was a horrifying hellscape. If not for the death of his childhood crush, Obito wouldn’t have walked the path of utter destruction.

1. Light Yagami – Death Note

Light Yagami - 10 Times We Supported The Anime Villain To Win

Eliminating crime is a heady goal, but the young diabolical genius Light Yagami made it look like a child’s play. Soon, after stumbling upon “Death Note”, he followed his wicked sense of justice with the ultimate goal of cleansing the world of all evil-doers.

Light started off with good intentions but he eventually got so swallowed up by his ambition that he forgot his own morals and killed hundreds of people over a while in fact, he didn’t even hesitate to eliminate his close one’s just to save his neck.

Which one of the following anime villains did you root for to win? Feel free to comment down your thoughts and make sure to recommend some other characters like the ones listed above, also don’t forget to share this article with your fellow otaku friends.

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