Koyoharu Gotouge’s written Demon Slayer manga is one of the most popular manga series in the world. In 2019, the series received an anime television series by Ufotable and after that, the series just rise in the popularity rankings of different charts and later, it also produced the highest-grossing anime movie as well.
The fans loved the adventurous journey of Tanjiro with his fellow members Inosuke and Zenitsu. But, apart from the main cast what attracted the viewers most was the involvement of Hashiras or Pillars. They lightened up the storyline with their flashy entrance & strong personality.
But, among all the nine Hashiras who is the fastest Hashira? This question comes out of curiosity to the Demon Slayer fans and in this article, we’ve tried to answer this question.
Below is the Demon Slayer Hashiras rankings based on speed:
- Shinobu Kocho
- Muichiro Tokito
- Sanemi Shinazugawa
- Mitsuri Kanroji
- Uzui Tengen
- Obanai Iguro
- Kyojuro Rengoku
- Giyu Tomioka
- Gyomei Himejima
‘Insect Hashira’ Shinobu Kocho is undoubtedly the fastest Hashira in Demon Slayer Corps. She demonstrated her real speed during the Infinity Castle Arc and overall she outclasses everybody in terms of speed. The eyes of Tanjiro & others are even unable to catch her speed. Besides super speed, Shinobu is also a very smart warrior.
Muichiro gives him a tough competition on the second spot while the third rank is held by the ‘Wind Hashira’ Sanemi Shinazugawa. Among all the Hashiras, Gyomei seems to be the slowest one maybe because of her heavy build-up still, he is the strongest Hashira in Demon Slayer.
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So good