Koyoharu Gotouge’s written Demon Slayer manga is one of the most popular manga series in the world. In 2019, the series received an anime television series by Ufotable and after that, the series just rise in the popularity rankings of different charts and later, it also produced the highest-grossing anime movie as well.
The fans loved the adventurous journey of Tanjiro with his fellow members Inosuke and Zenitsu. But, apart from the main cast what attracted the viewers most was the involvement of Hashiras or Pillars. They lightened up the storyline with their flashy entrance & strong personality.
But, among all the nine Hashiras who is the strongest Hashira? This question comes out of curiosity to the Demon Slayer fans and in this article, we’ve tried to answer this question.
Below is the ranking of Demon Slayer Hashiras based on strength:
#1 Gyomei Himejima
#2 Sanemi Shinazugawa
#3 Obanai Iguro
#4 Muichiro Tokito
#5 Giyu Tomioka
#6 Rengoku Kyojuro
#7 Mitsuri Kanroji
#8 Tengen Uzui
#9 Shinobu Kocho
Within the Demon Slayer Corps, Gyomei is considered to be the strongest Hashira. He is the only known Hashira who doesn’t use a Nichirin Sword, instead favoring a set of chained axes. Gyomei is powerfully built & extremely muscular and also serve as the mentor of Genya Shinazugawa.
The second rank is held by the ‘Wind Hashira’ Sanemi who is the most scariest Hashira according to his fellow members meanwhile, Obanai holds the 3rd spot. However, leaving aside the top two rest of the Hashiras rankings (from 3-5) is interchangeable as each possesses unique ability in their own terms.
Muichiro is the youngest Hashira who became a Pillar in just two months of holding the sword. This feat has only been achieved by the strongest Hashira, Gyomei. He ranks lower than others because of his lack of experience otherwise he outclasses everyone in terms of potential.
On the other hand, Obanai is very weak in terms of physical strength but, he’s a great swordsman. He is in 3rd place because he outshined every other Hashira against Muzan in the final arc as he was the first one to slice Muzan’s neck. And, Giyu once gave a tough competition to Sanemi in a one-on-one. So, their rankings can be determined by the fans themselves.
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