Bleach anime aired its last episode way back in 2012 but after the latest 73-page long chapter by Tite Kubo things got stirred up and fans started expecting a new season of Bleach. And recently, a new domain registered made this speculation true to some extent!
In a recent tweet, made by Myamura it’s clearly shown that a new web domain “” has been registered. The domain is said to expire after 10 years and the registrant’s information are being kept confidential in the given data.
According to the details, the domain was registered on October 8 in Japan and it tends to expire in 2031. Moreover, the information about the registrant is kept secret but, the address lines are mentioned given.
Some netizens claimed that the address used lines up with other anime domains from the past, but for now, nothing is made official by the creator and the production team.
Fans are expecting a Bleach return news after hearing this news and it can be possible this year as a full-on Bleach exhibition is being held in Japan starting from December 18, 2021.
Maybe some good news related to this secret domain will be revealed there. And it can be anything from a teaser to a poster or even a release date.
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