Hunter x Hunter is one of the most popular shōnen manga series written by the mangaka, Yoshihiro Togashi. The manga series ran for over two decades until it went on hiatus in 2018. Since then the fans have always wondered about whether the series will ever return or not. However, a recent tweet by the author himself hints at the Hunter x Hunter return which is gonna end the wait soon.
On Tuesday, 24th May, a new Twitter account was made in consent to the author of Hunter x Hunter, Yoshihiro Togashi. The profile uploaded a tweet as well which showed a photo of a rough manuscript with the caption – “For now, 4 chapters left”. The tweet was made by Togashi himself updating about the return of Hunter x Hunter. Check out the tweet below:
Hunter x Hunter Trending
Right after the tweet was posted, it went viral on the social media platform and garnered a lot of attention. In just a matter of hours, the tweet has received over 578,000 likes and 215,000 retweets. More than 73,000 comments have been published on the tweet as of now. The profile itself already has more than 700,000 followers and some well-known people in the manga industry are already following it.
One such name is Yusuke Murata who is the illustrator of One Punch Man and he has followed this profile and also, retweeted the post as well. At first, there was some sort of uncertainty regarding Togashi’s account as to whether it was a fake or real one. But, after a bit of hustle, the One Punch Man creator confirmed that the account belongs to Togashi and Hunter x Hunter is for sure returning.
When Will Hunter x Hunter return?
Togashi & the officials of Shōnen Jump hasn’t given an update about the content of the upcoming Hunter x Hunter chapters. But, it looks like there will be 10 more chapters of the manga series. As per Togashi’s tweet, the manuscript for 6 new chapters of Hunter x Hunter is done and he is aiming to finish 4 more for now. Togashi is working really hard on the Hunter x Hunter return and fans will also be delighted as soon as the new chapter will drop.
For now, it would be better to consider that the manga will take a little bit more time to be officially back in the Weekly Shonen Jump. Good thing is, it’s now officially confirmed that Togashi is back with Hunter x Hunter again. The seiyuus of Gon & Killua also reacted to the return of the series and they’re both emotionally overwhelmed by this news.
Hunter × Hunter is an adventurous manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 1998. Its last chapter came in 2018 and after that, the series is on a hiatus due to Togashi’s bad health. More updates about the production of the manga will be shared with you as soon as it will be released.
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