Sci-fi manga series Kaiju No. 8, also known as Monster #8, is finally receiving an anime television series as confirmed by the sources. The popular Shōnen Jump+ series started serialization in July 2020 and became very famous among the fans and, an anime adaptation news will make them even happier.
According to reliable sources on the internet, Kaiju No. 8 will receive an anime adaptation in the upcoming years. One of the big giants of the Japanese anime industry, TOHO Animation will handle the production of the series however, they’re just producing the series, an anime studio is yet to be confirmed.
Further information regarding the release date of Kaiju No. 8 anime and the details about the staff & cast hasn’t been revealed yet but according to the news, an official announcement will be made very soon by the respective agencies.
Kaiju No. 8 is written and illustrated by Naoya Matsumoto and has been serialized for free on Shueisha’s Shōnen Jump+ application and website since July 2020. Its manga chapters are collected in six separate volumes and Viz Media has licensed the series for English release in North America. As of March 2022, Kaiju No. 8 has sold more than 6.7 million copies.
In Japan, monsters known as kaiju regularly attack the populace with the Japanese Defense Force tasked with killing them. After their town was destroyed by kaiju when they were children, childhood friends Kafka Hibino and Mina Ashiro both vowed to become members of the Defense Force.
Mina has become famous as the commander of the Defense Force’s Third Unit, but Kafka has failed the examination numerous times and is a member of the cleanup crew, Monster Sweeper Inc., whose job it is to dispose of the monsters’ dead bodies after the battle.
After a small talking monster flies into his body via his mouth, Kafka gains the ability to turn into a monster himself, which gets dubbed “Kaiju No. 8” by the Defense Force. Kafka remains fully cognizant while in the form, but gains superhuman strength, and becomes the first monster to escape the Defense Force.
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