Studio WIT took a big leap in 2013 with the anime adaptation of Hajime Isayama’s Attack on Titan. This decision proved to be a success for the studio, as it quickly became one of the leading studios in the anime industry. However, things took a turn when they handed over the production of their most successful anime to Studio MAPPA midway through.
In a recent interview with Anime Corner, the CEO of Production I.G and President of WIT Studio George Wada finally shared his thoughts regarding the transition, where he explained the circumstances that led to “Attack on Titan: The Final Season” being produced by Studio MAPPA.
“What actually happens a lot is that the timing of the popularity of a manga and the timing of when a studio can actually get out the anime doesn’t always match up. The reason that we were able to complete Attack on Titan was because MAPPA took it on. And it’s a wonderful studio, so I’m very happy that they were able to take it on and continue with it”, Wada stated.
Wada further explained the balance between WIT specifically animating a series, and prioritizing the greater success of a title, which was one of the reasons why the studio decided to entrust Attack on Titan to MAPPA. He openly admitted that the series’ global success would not have been possible without the efforts of the production committee at MAPPA.
Even though there were initial words of chaos among fans about the transition, Studio MAPPA did an excellent job of bringing the landmark series to a satisfying conclusion. They took over the anime, made it their own, and crafted a poignant and elegant ending. Needless to say, MAPPA’s efforts were impressive, and they left an indelible mark on the show’s legacy.
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Via: Anime Corner