In the realm of anime, there is an abundance of enjoyment, fun & thrill and that’s the biggest reason why people choose to dive into their favorite show. For many teenagers (& adults), anime is the best way to escape from the sufferings and to find some peace. But, sometimes even the favorite shows haunt you by some most hated anime characters you don’t like to see.
Not every time, but there is always an anime character in a series that fans don’t like to see at all due to several reasons and as a reason, they start hating that specific character. And, if you make a list then most probably it will never end.
Well, in this article we’re going to do the same thing. After a little bit of research, we’ve come up with a list of the most hated anime characters of all time that were never liked by the fans a single percent.
10. Spandam (One Piece)

One Piece is out there for almost 22 years and it’s one of the most well-received anime in history. No one ever reached its excellence and recently, it completed the milestone of 1000 episodes. Thanks to Eiichiro Oda & the production staff for entertaining the viewers with this brilliant creation.
In the past two decades, One Piece has covered several major story arcs in which Luffy had gone through numerous villains involving the pirate groups & government officials as well. But, no one has ever forgotten the face of Spandam the genius.
Spandam was the leader of CP9 and he was behind the abduction of Robin from Water 7. In the execution of shipwright Tom as well, he was the main culprit. Apart from other OP villains, Spandam’s rude and annoying behaviour is the biggest reason he’s not liked by the fans.
9. Seryu Ubiquitous (Akame ga Kill!)

Seryu Ubiquitous was a member of the Jaegers faction, who were in charge of dealing with the Night Raids. In her initial appearance, she was a very kind and generous person. But, the way she acted in the rest of the series was totally unbearable.
Seryu’s strong sense of justice was very twisted as for her the corrupt Empire was absolutely right, and its enemies were pure evil. She seemed to be sweet in the beginning but later, turned out to be a ruthless, psychotic, sadistic and unstable girl who enjoyed killing people as a hobby.
She could have been a good side character, but the fans weren’t interested in Seryu’s irritating voice and killer instinct towards the main cast of the show. As a result, she was hated by many.
8. Malty S Melromarc (The Rising Of The Shield Hero)

Malty can be considered as the primary antagonist of The Rising of The Shield Hero as everything started because of her dirty little tricks. She is the first princess of Melromarc and also, the worst one.
When Naofumi entered into the fantasy world of Heroes, the only person he trusted was Malty as she was very polite and friendly with him. Naofumi instantly fell for her wavering beauty and that was his biggest mistake.
As, the girl who Naofumi trusted the most turned the tables on him by putting false allegations of sexual assault on him, and dishonoring his Shield hero character. Malty’s deceiving nature made her the most hated anime characters and it was overpaid later when Naofumi gave him a perfect nickname, ‘Bitch’.
7. Mineta (My Hero Academia)

Pervy characters are always a treat to watch and there is a big reason behind this; they make the storyline quite funny and interesting. Jiraiya, Sanji, Meliodas; each one of them have the same personality and are loved by the fans for this kind of act.
Minoru Mineta is also one such character but, unfortunately, he’s not liked by many (or say not anyone). First of all, his character design seems really funny and strange at the same time. Secondly, his imagination only revolves around girls and erotic stuff.
He never did anything evil or wrong, but still, people dislike him and that seems to be right because as a student of U.A. Mineta never contributed towards the show. His presence is almost negligible, moreover, he irritates the viewers by his lustful acts in between the episodes. And, that’s why My Hero Academia fans don’t like him at all.
6. Rachel (Tower Of God)

Love is the most beautiful experience when everything is going in your favor but, it hurts when your loved one betrays you. And, the popular manhwa series Tower of God depicted it very well.
Tower of God began with the love story of Rachel and Bam. For the sake of Rachel, Bam decided to climb the tower and reunite with her. He made allies, completed missions and finally, met Rachel once again. But, taking benefit of Bam’s kindness, Rachel betrayed him and pushed him out of the protective bubble because of her selfishness to reach the top of the tower alone.
She acted as being handicapped, played with Bam’s feelings and used her teammates for her own purpose. And, her devil laugh at the end of the season was proof of it all. Rachel tricked everyone with her sweet smile, but fans never imagined her to be such disloyal.
5. Tetta Kisaki (Tokyo Revengers)

Tetta Kisaki is the main antagonist of the well-known and recent hit anime & manga series, Tokyo Revengers. Frankly speaking, he’s the gem of the show as his existence revolves the story. But, the reality is, he’s one of the most hated anime characters.
People don’t like Kisaki because he ruins the plot every single time. It’s because of Kisaki’s clever mind & well-executed plans that there is chaos in almost every arc of Tokyo Revengers. From Hinata’s death to Toman’s fight with Valhalla, Kisaki was behind every act.
He played his moves very diligently and trapped his opponents in it several times. As an antagonist, he’s perfect but fans don’t want to see him winning every time and that’s why he’s the biggest Tokyo Revengers villain.
4. Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Mahito’s appearance in the Jujutsu Kaisen world was never a good sign for the fans. Just like Jogo & Sukuna, he is also a Special Grade Cursed Spirit and has a good character build-up as well. But, why do people hate Mahito so much?
The answer, Jujutsu Kaisen fans knows very well. Unlike other cursed spirits, Mahito did something so horrible and cheap that was unimaginable. He turned a poor, innocent guy like Junpei into an ugly looking curse by his Idle Transfiguration.
Mahito could have been avoided that scenario and he was in a good position to kill Junpei easily but, he didn’t do that. Besides, to make Yuji suffer, he turned Junpei into a curse and laughed at the inability of Yuji to do anything.
That was a very emotional sight, and fans can never forget Mahito for this. And, after the Shibuya Incident Arc, he definitely is on the hitlist of everyone single Jujutsu Kaisen fan.
3. Sakura (Naruto)

Team 7 was famous for the deadly trio of Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi. These three were the pillars of The Hidden Village of Leaves and had a great responsibility on their shoulders. It seems like something is missing…well, doesn’t matter.
Sakura’s presence in the iconic anime series Naruto and Team 7 can be explained something like above. She was a member of the most powerful team in the Hidden Leaves Village but, her contribution was almost negligible.
For half of the show, she was just irritating and for the rest, she just got involved in chaos which turned into big battles resulting in the dispute between the villages. Even after being a skilled medical ninja & a student of Tsunade, Sakura never won a single battle by herself.
A large section of Naruto fanbase doesn’t like Sakura at all, she just makes them cover their ears & eyes because of his incompetent personality. People just can’t digest the fact that she is in the main cast of the series and that’s why they have entitled her with the name ‘Useless’ Sakura.
2. Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Fullmetal Alchemist is hailed to be one of the best shōnen anime series fans ever witnessed. From one of the most notable female mangaka, Hiromu Arakawa portrayed the characters in the best possible way and people cherished the show a lot.
One such character which was introduced very early in the series was the Sewing-Life Alchemist, Shou Tucker. As a renowned biochemical scientist, he was approached by Ed & Al to help them in solving mysteries and he seemed to be very kind as well.
But, what he did to save his neck from the government was totally unacceptable. The cruel act he did by fusing his daughter, Nina and pet dog, Alexander’s body was the most inhuman behaviour fans have ever seen.
In the name of science & making a Chimera, Shou Tucker just destroyed two beautiful & innocent lives and anime lovers can never forget him for such brutality.
1. Gabi Braun (Attack On Titan)

In the list of most hated anime characters, the name of Gabi Braun cannot be missed at all. She joined this list in recent times after the release of Attack On Titan The Final Season because of the fact that she killed Sasha Blouse.
Gabi is a very skilled warrior of the Marley Army and is considered to be the next inheritor of Armored Titan. Her dominant and resolving character somehow shows a glimpse of Eren’s childhood. And, initially, she was the favorite of the series.
But, after the Declaration of War things turned around a lot and in all the hustle-bustle, Gabi annihilated Sasha on the way to Eldia. Seeing the hilarious, sweetest and kindest person like Sasha being killed was very heartbreaking for the fans.
Fans weren’t just ready to accept the truth that their beloved potato girl is no more. The one who saved a kid from a Titan was killed by a kid itself. That was the moment when viewers started hating Gabi. Gabi’s character is indeed well-written but for AOT fans she is now nothing more than a traumatic kid.
With this, our list of most hated anime characters of all time comes to an end. We hope you liked it. Let us know in the comments section, which anime character would you like to add to this list and for what reason?
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